This trip is a unique opportunity to visit two of Belize’s most exclusive and well-regarded birding destinations — Lamanai Outpost Lodge and Chan Chich Lodge. The first three nights of this trip are spent at Lamanai, located at the edge of a 28-mile long spring-fed lagoon. There are numerous habitats within walking distance of the lodge, including rainforest, Mayan ruins, pine savannahs, freshwater marshes, and open water.

Over 400 species have been counted within a three-mile radius, including Thicket Tinamou, Bare-throated Tiger Heron, Jabiru Stork, King Vulture, Zone-tailed Hawk, Ruddy Crake, White-fronted Parrot, Squirrel Cuckoo, and Northern Bentbill. Otters, manatees, crocodiles, and the occasional jaguar are also spotted in the area.

Participants can set their own pace, taking guided walking, boat, or canoe trips early and late in the day, as well as birding the area on their own.

The next four nights are spent at Chan Chich. Set in a Mayan Plaza dating from the Classic Maya Period of 250 – 800 AD, Chan Chich is located within the 250,000-acre Rio Bravo Wilderness Conservation Area in northwestern Belize. The comfortable lodge and its twelve cabanas are made of local products and attractively furnished.

From your porch you may see Ocellated Turkey parading through the plaza, howler monkeys calling from above, and Crested Guan crashing through the trees. The extensive trail network could reveal Great Tinamou, Red-capped Manakin, Royal Flycatcher, and Lovely Cotinga, along with a host of trogons, parrots, and toucans. The tracks, and possible sightings of this forest’s secretive cats adds to the excitement of your visit to this incredible wilderness area. You can visit Mayan burial chambers with painted friezes still intact, canoe on Laguna Verde, or swim in a nearby stream, where you might be joined by a playful River Otter. This trip can be scheduled any time, pending availability at the lodges. Additional days at either location can also be added.

Take advantage of this opportunity and call us to find out about availability and prices!

Photo credits: Banner: Golden-hooded Tanager, Peg Abbott; Lamanai Walk with Guide, Peg Abbott; Black Orchid, Narca Moore-Craig; Barred Forest Falcon, Narca Moore-Craig; Ornate Hawk-eagle, Narca Moore-Craig; Black Howler Monkey, Peg Abbott; Collared Aracari, Peg Abbott; Group at Pook’s Hill Ruins, Peg Abbott; Great Currasow, Peg Abbott.


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